Case Studies

Newell Brands - e-Learning - 27 % Savings on average

Through competitive and transparent pricing, a comprehensive in-country review system, and collaborative processes Bureau Works was able to bring down translation costs
Gabriel Fairman
1 min
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Whether it’s SAP implementation, awareness around company core values, or job safety, employee training plays a vital component in reaching desired corporate goals.

Newell-Brands, a giant multibrand empire including brands such as Rubbermaid, Parker and Gracco, to name a few, needs to ensure it’s people are cooperating effectively across the globe and training plays a vital role in this.

Whether working with Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, or other eLearning platforms, Bureau Works developed over the years an engagement that is built on technical expertise and most importantly trust and reliability.

Through competitive and transparent pricing, a comprehensive in-country review system, and collaborative processes Bureau Works was able to bring down translation costs, mitigate market frustration with intelligibility challenges and minimize internal time to tweak courses to ensure that they perform as expected.

Bureau Works has brought together the best of its multimedia capabilities including voice-over, subtitling, syncing onscreen events to audio, multilayer interactions and other eLearning complexities into a single solution that has brought peace of mind and a straightforward process that allows Newell Brands to focus on building and deploying training rather than micromanaging a complex translation process.

Gabriel Fairman
Translate twice as fast impeccably
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