Translation Memory: Centralization as a Cornerstone

Translation memory should be an integral focus from phase one on. It isn’t just a tool in the localization project. It is the project.


Translation Memory Advantages

Overall, translation memories are all very similar. They’re built on sets of translation units that compare words and make suggestions. Bureau works offers the portability, customizability, and capacity you need to make them fit your business.


Bureau Works allows you to quickly view what a machine-translated document look like before sending it off for human review. This quick evaluation can tell you how close you are to accuracy and help you save money in the long run.


Many translation systems try to develop things that block people from migrating away from their platforms. The TM may be portable, but it’s just not usable on another site. Alternately, some providers work hard to build system agnosticism into their program. They create standardized parsing, tagging, segmentation, and commenting within the code that can carry over anywhere.

Translation Memory Advantages

Overall, translation memories are all very similar. They’re built on sets of translation units that compare words and make suggestions. Bureau works offers the portability, customizability, and capacity you need to make them fit your business.


Establishing keys within the coding can provide valuable context. Consider the word “home” when used in an app or on a website. It could refer to the home screen or the user’s residence—the translation will change depending on the context. Keys within the coding tell the linguists precisely what “home” is referring to so they can make better choices.

Supported file types

We support dozens of file types with a unique file parsing and segmentation approach. Everything from complex structured files such as XML and YAML to simple Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files is supported. Our platform ensures that our approach to content makes it easy for translators to focus on what they should be translating and prevents them from making undesirable changes to code, variables, and file structures.


Simple but effective, our editor is built in with:

Terminology checks and management
Automated Quality checks
Preview for different asset kinds to maximize contextualization: Documents, Code and Web
On the go Spell-check and Terminology checks
UI/UX flexibility including inline or column visulization, font, spacing and even a dark mode
Reference Files
Change History


Our connectors are based on schedules and routines that allow your program to operate without anyone having to click any button. We focus on creating and mapping out business rules that ensure that these connectors flow seamlessly to and from the translation with minimal human interference.

Take advantage of Translation Memory to yield fast, and cost-effective results

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